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die gruppe 100nka organisiert zusammen mit der 4states sessions in KATTOWICE/ polen: The first international Radically Improvised Forms Festival in Katowice : Music, painting and performance on the stage of Youth's Palace.
11 musikerInnen
11 malerInnen
Ort: jugendpalast, kattowice
dieses festival wird in zukunft regelmäßig stattfinden im reigen der 4states sessions festivals: schnittpunkte der musik - improcon/kumrovec - chilli jazz - are you free/dunajska streda - mariboring - frri/kattowice.
the line-up of FFRi Festival:
Emil Gross - perkusja (Austria)
Markus Krispel - saksofon altowy (Austria)
Sylvia Bruckner - fortepian (Austria)
Igor Gross - wibrafon (Austria)
Jakob Gnigler - saksofon tenorowy (Austria)
Luca Kezdy - skrzypce (We;gry)
Elisa Ulian - s'piew (W?ochy)
Daniel Hrsak - tra;bka (Chorwacja)
Przemek Borowiecki - perkusja (100nka Polska)
Adam Stodolski - kontrabas (100nka Polska)
Tomek Les' - gitara (100nka Polska)
- Part one, painting contest (approx. 2,5h):
In the lottery-drawing the master of ceremony will draw musicians for duos, trios, quartets as well as the topic they will improvise about, meaning: shape, colour, emotion, tool etc. Topics and musicians are previously chosen and will be put into the lottery. The topic will be shown to musicians, of course as well as to the audience but not to painters taking part in the contest. They will have to guess from the music they hear and paint about. One topic will go on for about 30 min and will be divided into two parts when bands change. So every musician will play at least twice during this part. Every drawn topic will be painted over two, max tree students. As I count it now we will have five topics what means the first part will least for 2,5 hour.
We will have two equal awards. One winner will be picked up by audience, the second by musicians.
- Part two, music and paint (approx. 45 min):
Every musician plays solo over the work done by a one particular student. 3 min each.
- Part three, music and paint (approx. 1h):
Professional painter, 8 musicians in two bands (100nka excluded) performing together in two 30 min parts.
- Part four, music (approx. 45 min)
Closing performance of 100nka
 100nka (Fotoby Radoslaw Kazmierczak)
 elisa ulian und dine doneff (Foto by Oswald Schechtner)
 emil gross
 igor gross
 jakob gnigler
 krispel markus
 luca kezdy
 sylvia bruckner
 youth palace in kattowice