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Die Perfektion, der Musiker immer hinterherjagen, würden sie nie erreichen, sagt Tabackin. Aber sie sollten es wenigstens versuchen. Daß er selbst genau das immer wieder tut, beweist der Tenorsaxophonist nach wie vor.
Lew Tabackin Trio
Sonntag, 25. März 2012
Beginn um 19:30 Uhr
im ehemaligen Gemeindesaal ; 8323 Krumegg 15 (bei Graz)
Eintritt: freiwillig
Lew Tabackin Trio
Birthday Celebration Tour
The 69-year-old saxophonist and flautist Lew Tabackin, who played two riveting sets last Friday at Smalls, …….. And, boy, could he play! ………….. a bold improviser conquering standards and a few originals as capable accompanists backed him up. It's not the kind of music that starts revolutions; but it's what pumps the blood of jazz's everyday brilliance. (Link)
Lew Tabackin (USA) – tenor saxophone, flute
Lew Tabackin is an artist of astonishing vision. His electrifying flute playing is at once virtuosic, primordial, cross-cultural, and passionate. His distinctive tenor sax style includes the use of wide intervals, abrupt changes of mood and tempo, and purposeful fervor, all in the service of showing the full range of possibilities of his instrument - melodically, rhythmically, and dynamically. Without copying or emulating jazz greats of the past, Mr. Tabackin has absorbed elements into his style, ultimately creating his own sound and aura.
Giuseppe Bassi (Italy) – doublebass
Giuseppe Bassi is one of the finest acoustic bass players in Italy. For the last twenty years he continues to be the bass player of choice for many well-known musicians on tours in Italy: John Hicks, Jessie Davis, Mal Waldron, David Liebman, Greg Osby, Tim Warfield, Dick Hallagan, Michelle Hendrix, Adrianne West, to name just a few. Beside being an excelent supporter and sideman, he is also a leader and co-leader of different groups in Italy with some of the best Italian jazz musicians on the scene: Dado Moroni, Flavio Boltro, Renato Chicco, Robert Bonissolo, Salvatore Bonafede, Gianni Basso, Franco Cerri, Tiziana Ghiglioni, Massimo Manzi, Andrea Pozza, Antonio Faraò. He is also a composer, arranger and a teacher of acoustic bass in his home town of Bari. The style, experience and creativity are Giuseppe's strong holds whether he's playing modern or more traditional type of Jazz – a pristine example of contemporary Italian jazz.
Gasper Bertoncelj (Slovenia) – drums
Gasper is probably the most known Slovene jazz drummer. For more than ten years he lives and performs around Europe, United States and Israel. He graduated from Bruckner Conservatory in Linz, Austria (Bachelor degree), The City College of CUNY in New York, USA (Master degree), released three albums under his leadership (CAUTION! Hard Hat Area! by Arabesque Records, 2008; The Swingers of Jazz by Goga Muzika, 2008), the latest is The Swingers of Jazz: Gasper's Back in Town (Arabesque Records, 2012) where the special guest is Mr. Lew Tabackin. Reggie Workman, Lew Tabackin, Sheila Jordan, Kevin Mahogany, Jeremy Pelt, Vincent Herring, Boris Kozlov, Dena DeRose, Grant Stewart, Jonathan Kreisberg, William Ash, Miles Griffith are some of the names Gasper performed / recorded with.
 Gasper Bertoncelj