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Armenian Connection
Samstag den 31. Mai 2008; Beginn 20.00 Uhr
Gasthaus Schabhüttl in A-7571 Rudersdorf / Hauptstraße
Eintritt: 13,- | Jugendliche: 4,- | Mitglieder 9,-
Armenian Connection – Harry Tavitian / David Yengibaryan duo
Under the badge of this people’s deep spirituality, the duo gets together an Armenian born, raised and living in Romania (Harry Tavitian - www.itcnet.ro/tavitian) and one born in Armenia and living in Hungary (David Yengibaryan).
David Yengibaryan is born in 1976 in Yerevan, Armenia. Ten years ago he settled in Budapest, Hungary and today he is one of the best accordionists in this country.
He has his own band with which he recorded two CDs: „Tango Passion” and „Pandoukht” (’exiled’ or ’wanderer’ in Armenian).
He had concerts in Paris, London, Amsterdam, Vienna, Edinburgh, he wrote stage and film music and he played in several theatre plays.
Harry Tavitian and David Yengibaryan first played together in the summer of 2005 at The Arts Festival in Kapolcs, followed by several hit concerts in Romania and Hungary.
Their catalogue is made up of Armenian traditional songs and their own compositions.
Harry Tavitian: „David is extremely talented and musical. We have a very close, spiritual partnership. Actually, the piano and the accordion are but an extension of our souls.”
Press about Armenian Connection:
"An almost magical encounter".
"The concert kept the whole audience breathless. The communication between the two and their opened hearts towards the people, have demonstrated their jazz feeling."
"An unusual, unique, special concert, so hard to forget."
 David Yengibaryan
 David Yengibaryan
 Harry Tavitian
 Harry Tavitian (by Iztok Zupan)