Jazzquartett Ost/West Samstag, 27. April 2002 20:00 Uhr / Musiker: \
He performed at the Bratislava Music Festival as a soloist, but also in duet with Emil Viklický. Then he began to form and lead his own ensembles (1977). In 1978 he released his first LP record Impressions, which presents his unique gift of an instrumentalist as well as of a composer. Jonáš's jazz stage appearances alternate with many pauses. He often performed abroad, utilizing his multiinstrumental capabilities. However, he carefully chooses his fellow musicians; better to sacrifice a multitude of presentations than to risk and render innerly unconvincing achievement with the artists who do not convene euch other. He played with a number of Slovak, Czech but also foreign musicians. Today he works in duets with the guitarist Matúš Jakabčic and double-bassist Robert Balzar, saxophonist Dušan Húščava, with singer Jana Kociánová or with mouth organ player Erich Procházka. In 1990 he recorded a solo record Gentle Rain (featuring jazz standards), on which he plays three pianos (helped by playback). Prague publishing house Arta issued a CD Far and Yet Near (1991); he plays there in duets and in trio with Matúš Jakabčic and Robert Balzar. The concert with Gabriel Jonáš and Matúš Jakabčic Live realised in 1993 in the Clarissean Church in Bratislava. He devotes to spirituals and gospel songs with the singer Jana Kociánovó. In 1993 he prepared an interesting project with Jiří Stivín; it is captured on the CD The Zodioc II. The genre of the album music is variable, G. Jonáš plays the harpsichord, too, J.Stivin utilizes various kinds of flutes. In 1992-93 Jonáš cooperated with Italian clarinetist Gabrielle Mirabassi and toured Italy (together with double-bassist Stefano Traglini) and played also in Bratislava (with R.Balzar). Jonáš arranged evergreens of the thirties and the forties for the Nevergreens, the Juraj Bartos's album and participated in its recording. The tunes were arraged for solo trumpet, jazz ensemble and symphonic orchestra. Gabriel Jonáš performed in Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, in former U.S.S.R., Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, U.S.A., Finland, Sweden, Norway, Danemark etc. Among his foreign companions let us mention A. Heath, J. Newman, H. Maybon, A. Zoller, S. Jones, B. Dorham etc. In 1991 he was awarded the prize of Ladislav Martonik as the Jazzman of the Year. Jonáš 's play is educated on the innovations of H. Hancock, Ch. Corea and K. Jarrett. Presently he is interested in the jazz roots, including African folklore, he returns to genuine sources of jazz in his pianistic art as well as generally. His introvertness joins with sense for original construction, pastiche ornamentation and forceful melodical feeling. His rhymical articulation is remarkable; the continual musical flow is interrupted by pauses, breaks and other deviations. Despite his virtuosity Jonáš‘s attracts namely by his sense for assessment, compassion, inner experience. An endeavour to describe in words Jonáš's music equals the trial in impossible; the ideas from the field of fine arts occur in one's head. This is not by chance, Jonáš is a gifted painter, though not painting today.
Matúš Jakabčic worked with larger orchestras (Big Band of Bratislava Conservatory, Big Band Radio Bratislava), also with bands Esprit, Dušan Húščava Quintet, in guitar Trio Jakabčic-Burian-Jaro, in duet with Gabriel Jonáš, a pianist of European reputation. In 1991 Gabriel Jonáš prepared an album For and Yet Near; Jakabâc and Prague double-bassist Robert Balzar participated in the recording. In 1993 Jakabčic was awarded the Prize of Ladislav Martoník as the best jazzman of the year. He is an active member of the Council of Slovak Jazz Society. Matúš Jakabčic devotes to composing, too; his musical Manon Lescout was written for Big Band of Bratislava Conservatory and premiered in Bratislava. He studied at the Berklee College of Music in Boston in 1994-1995. Jakabčic-music tends to introvertness, accenting the character of sound, the variable tone creation, inner pulsation of music. His style is close to that of guitarist Pat Metheny. He stresses melody and simple invention. All these attributes are to be seen in his compositions.
/ Richard Filz \ Musikalische Zusammenarbeit mit: Threeo, Rick Margitza, Bob Berg, Bob Mintzer, Kei Akagi, Erich Kleinschuster, Austrian Jazzorchester, David Hasselhoff, Viktor Gernot, RICH ART Ensemble, Sigi Finkel, Albert Kreuzer & Rubberfinger, Trio 57 Plus, Macheiner/Barnert/Filz, Walter Chmela, Swing Time Bigband ... Mitwirkung bei 35 CD-Produktionen Auftritte bei Jazzfestivals in: Jakarta, Warschau, Montreal, Wiesen, Leverkusen, Getxo, Königgrätz... Komposition von zahlreichen Percussion Ensemble Werken; 1998 Publikation der Sammlung "Rhythm, Sound & Colour" für Percussion-Ensemble (Peer Musikverlag/Hamburg); Co - Autor der World Music Ensemblebände "Cuba" und "Ireland" (Universal Edition/2000) Leiter und Initiator des Ensembles "Richard Filz´Geräuschkünstler" - Gewinner des österreichischen Musikschulförderpreises (1998), JEUNESSE "find it" Preisträger (2000). Seit 1997 Lehrtätigkeit am Landeskonservatorium Eisenstadt; Leiter zahlreicher Percussion & Schlagzeugworkshops für NMW, ÖKS, AGMÖ...